Opposition of patent – Patent registration in Coimbatore

Opposition at a pre-grant stage to the Patent Application Section 25 of the Patents Act, 1970 mentions the opposition at a pre-grant stage to the patent application of the patentee. Therefore, advisedly right to object at a pre-grant stage has been given to ‘any person’ by the said amendment. This is an illustration of statutorily broadening the concept of locus […]

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Mandatory provision of patent registration in India

Mandatory provision of patent registration On the conjoint reading of both the above Sections, it is clear that there is a mandatory provision provided under section 8 where under the applicant for patent is under obligation to disclose the information to the Controller of Patents regarding any patent application which is pending in the country outside India in respect of […]

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Construction of Claims – Patent Registration in India

Construction of Claims Patent is an inventive concept which consists of a unique and novel procedure to be followed in invention. Patent application is accept when the applicant filed the patent claims and patent specification. Claim is considered as a heart of the patent application. It will protect the rights of the patentee. Patent Registration has been done by the […]

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