Patent Registration Procedures in Coimbatore
Patent registration procedures
In the modern era of industrial growth and business development, one of the key points is to be unique from others. The tremendous evolution of business development brings the competition of the inventors. The major provision in patent registration procedure to the necessary of the owner of invention is the necessary to register his/her invention as patent. Patent is one of the intellectual property rights (IPR), which brings you a unique identity of your invention and inventive concept from the others. It mainly gives you a unique selling point and increasing your marketing strategy. The proprietor of certain registered patent only has the rights as an owner of patent.

Role of Patent Attorney
Patent registration is only done by the Registrar of patents. The individual person cannot be directly approach the Registry. So they need the registered patent attorney to file their invention and further more steps for processing his or her patent application. The patent attorney plays a vital role between the Registry and the proprietor i.e., inventor. The registered patent attorney must be cleared the examination held by the Registrar of Patents. The Registrar of patents provides the attorney code to the Patent attorney person to recognize their attorney’s registration. The patent attorney acts in particular region and it has territorial jurisdiction. The registered attorney can file a patent of the person who invents the patent. The Patent search is made by the Patent attorney and guides the inventor in right direction. The attorney people have the responsibility to aware the person about patent registration procedures. He guides the inventor to do in right manner. He is highly responsible to reduce the cost of the inventor and to reduce the change of pre-grant opposition of patent registration.
Types of patent registration
Patent is an intellectual property right and it makes the normal inventive concept as a registered patent. From patent registration, you can get exclusive right on your invention and you have the right to stop the similar ad imitational things to be registered. The patent can be classified as per its manufacturing procedures and methods and it’s filed of origin. The patent can be separated into three types according to its characteristics. Those are
- Utility patent;
- Design patent;
- Plant patent;
Utility Patent
Utility patent is nothing but the patent which undergone the technical concept and methods. It is quite long process by explaining the working procedures and methods of the patent to the public awareness. It involves explaining the processing methods of a new invented machine, process or a system which is newly invented by the patentee. The utility patents are given to the fields of genetic engineering and internet software systems.
Design patent

Design patent is providing an exclusive right to the design owner who invent the design. The design registration is done by the patent attorney. Meanwhile, a design search is a somewhat difficult. For registering a design patent, the owner of the design must give the documents of design and must provide the pictorial representation of the design which is going to be register. The drawings of perfect measurements can be accepted to attach with design patent application.
Plant patent
As the name itself, we can understand the patent which is for the plants. The new plants of conventional horticultural methods and plants which are created from cuttings and nonsexual manner come under this category.
Before filing the patent application you have to ensure that your invention is covered by any of these above mentioned types.
Different types of patent application
The patent application also classified into 5 types according to the majority requirements of the people. Before filing the patent application, you can consult your Patent attorney to confirm your application which is suits for your requirements. The five types of patent applications are:-
- Ordinary application;
- Conventional application;
- National phase PCT application;
- Patent of addition;
- Divisional application;
Ordinary application
If you complete your invention, you can file an ordinary application. If the owner of the invention haven’t any priority claim, can file the ordinary application.
Convention application
If the owner of the invention needs to claim a priority in conventional countries, he will file this conventional application of patent. From this application filing, the applicant can get the priority claim benefits if the same type invention or substantially similar application filed in any other countries. The time limit for conventional application is 12 months from the date of filing.
National Phase PCT Application
National phase PCT application is required for international filing of patent application. It is filed within 31 months of international patent application or at before the priority date. In India, you have to file national phase application which resembles the ordinary application of patent. It is easier than the normal application filing, why because most of the critical parts cleared in international filing itself. The examiner of national phase application must be aware of the result of international application of the same filing. You no need to file any more application for registration in your country.
Patent of Addition

The patent is already filed, and the inventor came across some improvement in that same patent by using the same processing methods, you can add the improvement method in this. No need of any addition application filed for this patent of addition and the cost also. The addition patent supposed to be expired when the main patent expired. This kind of application can protect your invention and its improvement also. It adds benefits to the inventor.
Divisional application
If the inventors have the more than one invention in same technique at the starting stage of the application filing, better he can go with divisional application. The patentee wants to file a main patent application and later he can file the divisional application. The inventor can divide his patent according to the methods using it. The priority date of both divisional and parent patent application is same.
We “Solubilis Corporate Services” are the Registered Patent Attorney in Coimbatore and acts as a perfect mentor to file your Invention. Thanks for reading!!!